Freelance Writing (Data Science and Computer Science)
Employer: Medium and Coder Merlin
Timeframe: Nov. 2019-Dec. 2021
Description: I worked on an ad hoc basis for a website called Coder Merlin, whose aim is to create fun, accessible resources for high school students learning about computer science. During my time, I would write articles on deadline, and submit them to an editor. Outside of my direct responsibilities, I also organized the website’s glossary and streamlined formatting for articles. On my own, I published a few data science tutorials on Towards Data Science, a popular Medium publication. These were not commissioned, just based on my own personal projects and interests.
Deliverables & Statistics
Medium (Towards Data Science)
“Walkthrough: Mapping Basics with bokeh and GeoPandas in Python”
Lifetime Views: 40k
Lifetime Reads: 14.9k
Lifetime Likes: 636
“Tutorial: Network Visualization Basics with Networkx and Plotly in Python”
Lifetime Views: 88k
Lifetime Reads: 30k (read for longer than 30 seconds)
Lifetime Likes: 636
Coder Merlin